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Support Technology Tips & Tricks

6 Reasons Access Management Has Become a Critical Part of Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity holds paramount importance for both businesses and individuals alike. The landscape is rife with cyber threats, and the ramifications of data breaches and malware attacks are considerable. These attacks emanate from various vectors, encompassing even the cloud tools employed in daily operations. On a daily basis, the average employee engages with 36 cloud-based services. […]

Support Technology

9 NSA Best Practices for Securing Your Home Network

In today’s interconnected world, securing your home network is essential for protecting your personal data from hackers. Changing default passwords and usernames, enabling encryption, and updating firmware are crucial steps in enhancing network security. Additionally, enabling a firewall, disabling unused services, and implementing strong passwords further fortify your defenses. Creating a separate guest network and limiting physical access to devices are also important measures. By following these best practices, you can ensure that your home network is better protected against cyber threats.